
Insider info and illuminati analysis...

...from the man they just can't recruit.

Friday, 3 December 2021

The Strange and Terrible Truth....Can You Handle it?


More from coming book.


                                                      The journey into mystery.


I have had to observe the terrible sounding truth that there are people out there who are able to read people’s mind. It is a terrible truth because for many, one’s private thoughts are considered an inviolable personal sanctuary and represent the ultimate idea of personal privacy.

If one were to be exposed to people who demonstrated to you that they could read your mind then it is likely that a great fear might grow in you, perhaps you would wonder whether these people were really human, since they exhibited abilities long considered beyond humanity.

Fortunately, there are not many of them and most of them seem to acquire this ability as part of their initiations and training with the secret societies, and if some of the rumours about secret societies which have reached us over the years are correct, then part of the attraction of belonging to an occult secret society, and there really is no other kind, is the development of psychic powers and abilities.

In his book Freemasonry for Beginners, Freemason Robert Lomas writes:
"Your new skills may appear miraculous and uncanny to others. but it is a fact of our Masonic Science that new consciousness gives rise to new faculties."

According to the website:“The psychic-powers are awakened as part of a continuous initiatory process of progress through various levels, degrees and ‘kingdoms’ of which there are apparently five.” From Robert Lomas’ book:

“...every kingdom is self-contained. It is shut off, as though by closed bulkheads, and no leap from a lower to a higher kingdom is possible save on one condition - a previous death to the kingdom below.”

And an elucidatory description on the website:
“The process ostensibly involves uncompromising repression of one's ‘human’ faculties. The process, which masons call the Secret Science of Initiation or Secret Science of Mystical Death is symbolized as death and resurrection, i.e. death of the human level/kingdom and the emergence of the trans-human.”

I can give three immediate personal examples of experiencing people reading my mind, and there are actually others however these three are the clearest and most evident.
The first one was in Tokyo when I had apparently signed up to the Devil’s Bargain to become a famous writer with a skeletal ghoul like figure from Yorkshire who ran what appeared to be a small language school in Tokyo.

The strange recruitment system of the Illuminati Freemasons meant that I was never solicited directly to join the Freemasons, just hints and allusions in a constant stream. For example, the man, whom I call the Demon King of DK for short, would roll up the trouser on his left leg frequently for no apparent reason and ask me if I knew who I was. He would have these strange imaginary phone-calls in the classroom next to mine which I could hear quite clearly, where he would be talking to someone, rather strangely, about me. He would never explicitly talk about me but he would allude to things he must have somehow found out about me, but then de-contextualise them so it would appear random and more startling. In these phone calls he would loudly refer to himself as ‘Mr Mason’.

The odd thing about these Masonic people who have reached a certain level of initiation is that they seem able somehow to read minds or at least use some highly accurate system based on uncanny synchronicity. For example, in my mind I would wonder ‘what did he just say?’ and strangely in the next room he would repeat it. I found that if he said something which I didn’t catch he would repeat himself in his imaginary conversation next door.

This was the first time I noticed this and on subsequent occasions have observed that some people are very definitely capable of reading minds, but this is not strictly accurate, it would be more accurate to say that they are ‘told’ what you are thinking. This is one of the results of serving what Manly P Hall the Masonic philosopher termed: the ‘arcanum arcanorum’, the secret mystery. An invisible and all-encompassing awareness that knows all and communicates to its servants in Freemasonry and other walks of life.

One speaks and acts without understanding, but is fed information and instructions from this mysterious source, so that other people involved understand the words and actions and their significance. When one serves these ‘invisible masters’ one is little more than a marionette, acting for unknown purposes and without any concern for the consequences of their actions; service to the unknown ‘force’ is the ‘be all and end all’ to these advanced Freemasons. This force is what people generally know as spirits or demons.

The second occasion came in Egypt when I met a Nile delta farmer who provided tomatoes and various salad vegetables to Sainsbury’s supermarkets. He seemed very well off and wore a suit; to say he was a farmer is probably over-stretching his role in the whole affair of growing vegetables but the fact is he was the smooth faced affluent and fluent English speaker who made all the deals and got all the money. He owned the farms and since he said he was providing for Sainsbury’s his network must have been rather a large one. Without remembering the specifics about the particular conversation, I came to the startling discovery as we chatted that he always seemed to say exactly what I was thinking; it was unusual because our backgrounds had been vastly different: different countries and cultures, yet somehow, he would say exactly what was in my mind only a couple of seconds after I had thought it.

When I stilled my thoughts and literally had nothing going on inside my head, he suddenly fell quiet. Until this point, he had been carrying on a machine gun fire of conversation lifted directly from my thoughts, suddenly he was still. He kind of looked at me as if beaten and shrugged. He said nothing more and left shortly afterwards.

It seemed there had been no information in my mind to feed on and as such he had no instructions to follow. It was as if this was how he talked to people, by lifting ideas and thoughts from their own minds and when he encountered someone like me who can enter the Zen state and stop their thoughts at will, he had no material to work with. It seemed to me at that point that the man was wholly possessed by the ‘arcanum arcanorum’ his every thought and action being a mere series of ‘suggestions’ from this force; always a reaction to the thoughts of the person he was speaking to, he simply had nothing of himself in any of his conversation because he no longer existed as an individual, he had become nothing more than a human interface with the hidden power.

A third example is highly instructive as to what kind of condition these people who can read minds might be dealing with. Far from being able to read people’s minds making you a superman or some kind of God amongst men it is much more likely to have the opposite effect and reflects something which has gone very wrong with natural human brain-chemistry.

I was working as a teacher at a Pupil Referral Unit in West London which is where the kids who get excluded or suspended from school end up. In almost all of these cases these students exhibit a range of various psychological issues and it is often the use of violence and a lack of self-control which has resulted with them being removed from the schooling system and sent, as a temporary measure, to a Pupil Referral Unit, while their return to school is being negotiated.

One student, a young black boy of perhaps fourteen years old was throwing a tantrum and running around refusing to enter the classroom. I thought to myself how the boy seemed demon possessed. He then reported there and then that I had called him demon possessed. Obviously, I had not spoken those words but I had thought them, yet somehow, he had heard me. I was already at that stage, used to the possibility that some people might be able to read minds or somehow ‘hear’ what is being thought but for the first time I observed this phenomenon in someone who was clearly psychologically damaged and most likely schizophrenic.


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I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.
Kundalini refugee doing a bit of landscaping.