On May 18th 1946 a solitary hiker Gosta Karlsson was enjoying a peaceful night walk through the heavily wooded shore of Angelholm Sweden in the Kronoskogen forest.
Climbing a small hill, he noticed bright lights streaking up from the forest floor. He was surprised to encounter such lights because it was not expected to encounter any fellows at this time of night this deep in the forest. He might have wondered whether he had stumbled upon some kind of group of Swedish pagans celebrating their strange rites late into the night. Or maybe wondered whether this might have something do with the test-flights being carried out by the Swedish Air-Force having their main headquarters nearby, having been there since late 1945 and hardly more than a mere three miles from his present location.
He descended into the strangely illuminated clearing and found in the centre a brightly lit object resembling what would later become known as the classic ‘flying saucer’, the description comes from an interview with Swedish UFO investigator Klas Svan:
“It was shaped like a disk and stood on two telescopic supports. In the lower part, there was a lowering hatch with a ladder, like on ships, at a height of one and a half meters. I saw the light coming from the cockpit and tried to look there, but the view was too narrow and I saw only light. At the top of the object was an oval cabin about eight meters in diameter, with oval windows at 1-meter intervals and approximately 30 cm high. While I was looking at this structure, I thought that someone was trying to mess with me, but then I thought that maybe this facility was built by German pilots and they were trying to escape from the POW camp on it.
But deep down, I believed that there was something else. On top of the cockpit, there was something thick, like a periscope four meters high. It had that bright purple light source that caught my attention. Light along a strange curved trajectory softly enveloped the entire object and pulsed slightly like water in a fountain...”
What conclusions do we the reader in the year of writing this 2021 reach upon examining this report? Well despite this being what is classically considered to be a flying saucer and potentially a highly advanced spacecraft from another planet we cannot help but notice that apart from flashing lights it doesn’t seem especially high-tech compared to the kind of technology which is available today.
Telescopic supports don’t sound especially alien, nor do hatches and ladders, I’m not suggesting it was an old window-cleaner’s ladder or anything quite so rudimentary but from the modern suggestions and stories of alien-abductions we have been given to understand that aliens don’t need ladders: that they can materialise and dematerialise people, their ships and themselves at will, so reading an account of what must be one of the earliest modern-sightings of what is supposedly an alien spacecraft but with a technology which is still within human understanding of aliens having to climb ladders, pass through hatches is certainly if nothing else, an interesting case.
Admittedly the lack of joints or rivets is the kind of thing we might expect from an advanced civilisation but not necessarily beyond the ability of advanced post war engineers but we can’t help but feel that what he saw might be the kind of spaceship which would look ‘alien’ and futuristic for 1946, but one wonders whether someone from 2021 seeing this craft might not think it was an escaped prop from a 1950’s science fiction B movie.
Even more interesting is the fact that Gosta Karlsson met the alien inhabitants at close-quarters and rather than quickly seizing the opportunity to remove his trousers and probe him or abduct him for any of the strange sexual experiments which have become part of the aliens UFO lore, and the reason might be because this hasn’t quite been written into the lore just yet, they actually seemed somewhat inconvenienced by his presence.
Neither eager to experiment on him, fiddle with his bottom, nor apparently keen to teach him the wonders of the universe, instead they behaved as you do when someone comes round to your house when you’re about to have dinner and you’re just too polite to send them away. So you kind of just put up with them and listen to them speak while you think about your dinner going cold. This is the description Gosta Karlson gives about the ‘alien’ visitors, bear in mind this sighting occurred in Sweden:
“They all had blond hair and looked like a typical Swedish or Norwegians. I saw three men near the windows of the ship, they were busy with some work inside. Then three girls appeared in front of me, all equally dressed in one-piece white suits with the same boots and belts. Each of them had a transparent hood pulled back around their neck. It was strange to see how they all looked at me as if I were an uninvited guest. I felt like a wild animal in a circle of light, a technique used by safari hunters in Africa. Then a dark-haired girl came down the stairs from the ship. She had a bag in her hand, and then she began to distribute cups to all other men and women. They began to quit all work and began to drink from these cups. When I wanted to get closer to them, one of the men, who seemed to be acting as a guard, blocked my path, raising his hand as a stop sign. Everyone around me was looking at me with serious faces. Then I stepped back and everyone went back to their work and no one was looking at me. I felt a little depressed.”
What is remarkable is how honest this account says, all the way down to feeling ‘a little depressed’ that these advanced aliens weren’t interested in him in the least. What is also interesting is that the myth of blonde-haired blue-eyed Nordic ‘aliens’ has become part of the lore, some UFO commentators even going so far as to be able to pinpoint their origin in the Pleaides star cluster. Perhaps the Nordic ‘aliens’ in fact come from the Nordic countries, Sweden and perhaps more pertinently Germany.
Then as he walked away, he saw the ship depart:
“Slowly and majestically, the heavy object was rising up and now I clearly saw that it was a flying ship. It made a sound like a vacuum cleaner motor. it is in a crown of red light, and at an altitude of 400-500 meters, it slowed down and began to sway.”
The description of the saucer making a sound like a vacuum cleaner motor is quite an unusual description and again, although a flying machine being powered by some kind of advanced vacuum engine would have been alien and unfamiliar in 1946 we know that this kind of technology was just beginning to be developed: the jet engine. The swaying motion of the vessel too indicates a technology which has not yet been mastered. Several of these key elements from Gosta Karlsson we will find to be key elements of the Nazi secret weapons development programme, many aspects of which are matters of public record.
An eye-witness account of a Ukrainian prisoner known only as ‘X’ mentioned in Stevens’ book who was interred at a work-camp near Peermunde makes a similar description of a flying saucer he saw late one night:
“.. four workers appeared from a hangar and rolled out a strange looking craft onto the concrete landing strip nearby. It was round, had a teardrop-shaped cockpit in the center and was rolled out on small inflatable wheels, like an "upside down wash basin". After a signal was given, this silvery metal craft began making a hissing sound and took off, hovering at an altitude of about five meters directly over the landing strip. As it hovered, the device rocked back and forth. Then the edges began to blur. Suddenly the flying craft's edges seem to blur as it jumped up sharply and gained altitude in a snakelike trajectory. X concludes that because rocking was still exhibited, the craft was advancing erratically."
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