
Insider info and illuminati analysis...

...from the man they just can't recruit.

Friday, 12 November 2021

The Secret Manipulators who Pull the Strings.....

 An extract from my coming book.


                                                           The journey into mystery.

In a biography
of Swedenborg, I discovered a hint about what may have been one of the
‘Manipulators’ of his time. Hayyim Samuel Jacob Falk was an 18th Century
Kabbalist who narrowly avoided being burned at the stake in Westphalia after
being charged with sorcery.  

In her
research paper entitled: Dr. Samuel Jacob Falk: A Sabbatian Adventurer in the
Masonic Underground, Marsha Schuchard provides us with some interesting information:

“Falk spent
his early years in Podhayce and Fürth, centers of secret Sabbatianism, where he
had access to the antinomian Kabbalism of Baruchia Russo, who advocated ‘holy
sinning’--especially in sexual and ritual matters--in order to bring about a millenarial
reversal of reality. Falk was said to be gifted in: “practical magic, hypnotic
techniques, alchemical metallurgy, and folk medicine.” Furthermore:

“Falk boldly
defended the Chewish religion, predicted a universal war, and an approaching
messianic consummation.”

The online Blake
Quarterly describes Falk as:

 “a Chewish
alchemist and Cabalist, who became revered and feared as one of the “Unknown
Superiors” of illuminist Masonry. Falk instructed Swedenborg in Cabalistic
trance techniques and sexual magic, which they believed would usher in a
spiritual and political millennium.”

following incident involving, reported in Nesta Webster’s book, involving Falk
and a hypnotised Swedenborg recalls the strange events of the Rosicrucian Grand
Master Raymond Bernard and mysteriously falling into hypnotised unconsciousness
in the company of the twelve men in white robes:

to a later Swedenborgian freemason, Swedenborg was in the company of some
unnamed Chews when he went into a trance or ecstasis, and they allegedly
stole his watch….Swedenborg defended 'these good Israelites', and he developed
messianic fantasies of preaching in their synagogue about the return of
regenerated Chews and Christians to Jerusalem.”

The latter
is something we are now having to deal with and the messianic fantasies and
fancies of people such as Swedenborg in their high-minded meddling have
unleashed on our present age and we have seen that none of this seems in any
way beneficial to anybody except the Chews who presently appear to be the very
masters of the Earth: dictating American foreign policy, given a free-hand in
Israel and using British and American armies to dispatch their enemies and also
dictating an agenda of mass-immigration, censorship and demonisation of white

In an
article entitled: “Kabbalist or Charlatan? The Life and Times of Dr Samuel Falk
The ‘Baal Shem of London’ on the Chewishhomela website Rabbi Pini Dunner gives
us some insight into the mysterious Dr Falk which may explain his apparently
mysterious rise to eminence:

“For a few
years he struggled, and his faithful assistant records that his personal life
was fraught with difficulties as he and his wife constantly argued about
finances. Eventually things began to change for the better. People were
surprised at his sudden change of fortune. How was it possible that someone who
had been so insolvent that he was forced to pawn all his belongings had
suddenly achieved such incredible material success? Rumors began to spread that
he possessed mystical powers that he used to attain wealth. The truth was more
mundane. Falk was an exceptionally charismatic individual and particularly
attractive to the type of people who are drawn to enigmatic personalities. Two
of those people were the affluent Chewish banker Aaron Goldsmid, and his son

So it would
appear that Falk, who went on to become one of the secret masters of
Freemasonry, was bankrolled by Chewish bankers, according to Marsha Schuchard “He
also met the bankers Tobias and Simon Boas who were both Scottish Rite Freemasons.”

There is
oblique reference to some ‘peculiar rituals’ and such activity appeared to be
common knowledge amongst the Chewish community in which Falk operated, also from
Rabbi Dunner’s article:

although he was not considered a scholar, this in no way detracted from his
reputation as a Kabbalist, nor did the fact that he performed extremely
peculiar rituals prevent senior community leaders – including Chief Rabbi David
Tevele Schiff – from considering him their friend.”

One of these
peculiar rituals is referenced in Nesta Webster’s classic book:  Secret Societies and Subversive Movements and
refers to a letter published in the September 1762 edition of The Gentleman. The
editor relates that they are publishing the letter just as they received it,
noting that several peculiarities of style indicate that the letter was written
by a foreigner. What is fascinating indeed about this letter is that it gives
us a first-hand account of somebody who was enthralled by a character we can strongly
presume to be Samuel Falk, as the particular description of the man recently
arriving from Germany align with the events in the life of Falk. Here we may
see some of the mysteries of the Kabbalist and his practices exposed and seen
clearly for what they really are.

The letter
begins with a man going to a tavern where he encountered several people
discussing the existence of witchcraft and whether it exists or not. One of the
men, a man of reputation asserts that Cabbala and magic are ‘pretended arts’
and ‘contrivances of tricks and frauds, which pick the pockets of fools..and
always end in bankruptcies’.

At which
point the author of the letter recalls a story told to him three months ago,
over a bottle of wine, by someone who experienced the same thing. The narrator
recounts how, four years ago a gentlemen came from Germany with his numerous
family, and claimed to be the greatest physician and cabalist. The man he said,
was a Christened Chew and ‘the biggest rogue and villain in the world’ who has
been imprisoned everywhere and banished out of Germany and at some time
publicly whipped ‘that his back lost all the old skin and became new again’.

The rogue
attempted to become acquainted with the man who describes himself as
‘enchanted’ and was no more master of his senses. The Cabalist told him that he
had spent 16 months with three adepts and has learned all the mysteries and
secrets of nature. He had sworn an oath to the adepts not to reveal any of the
secrets for a certain length of time, but that time apparently was soon coming
to an end. Naturally this made the man very curious as he says, and he forgot
all precautions and fell in with all his proposals to the extent that he ended
up buying several secrets from the Cabalist which amounted to more than a 1000
pounds, which in the 18th century was an extraordinary sum, and he declares
that all the ‘said secrets were nothing but cheats and deceits’. The man grew
angry at being cheated whereupon the Cabalist offered to teach him the secrets
he had been taught by the adepts and of which the period of secrecy was soon
coming to an end. The condition was that he must avoid all churches and public
worship as ‘unclean’ for half a year, and the Cabalist said that for this
reason he and his family had never once attended church since their arrival in
England, in order that he always be ready to begin the so called ‘Godly

He also told
the man to tell everyone in his house to swear an oath that they will speak
nothing of what they witness. He then told the man that he must procure a
Hebrew Bible stolen from a zealous protestant, whom the man duly robbed, the
Cabalist then asked for a Bible in English, it happened that the man he robbed
had a Bible in English and one in Hebrew and so he robbed him of all his
personal effects by some kind of cunning ruse, leaving him destitute which the
Cabalist demanded of him. He then asked the man to procure one pound of the
blood of an honest protestant. He was in some consternation at this for he had
the suspicion that the Cabalist was trying to incite him to murder. He then
reasoned that he himself was an honest Protestant and so he bled himself and
once he had roughly three quarters of a pound he gave this to the Cabalist. The
Cabalist then demanded another 400 pounds which the man had to borrow, once he
had procured the sum he paid it into his hands. The Cabalist then sent everyone
out of the house except for themselves.

The next
night at 11pm they went out into the man’s garden and the Cabalist then put a
cross tainted with the man’s own blood at each corner of the house, and in the
middle of the garden the Cabalist put a threefold circle made of paper, about
three yards in diameter. In the first circle all the names of God in Hebrew; in
the second all the names of the angels; and in the third the first chapter of
the holy gospel of Saint John, again all written in blood.

The Cabalist
laid both Bibles in the circle which created a protection which the devil could
not enter. The Magician then brought a billy goat which he had prepared and led
him backwards through the circles. The man noticed that the belly of the goat
was extremely big and looked as if it would burst open, but the man reasoned
that the Cabalist must have somehow filled the beast’s belly full of wind with
some kind of blow pipe. He then covered the goat in crosses drawn in blood and
tied his legs together and at that the wind came out of his belly in strange murmuring
tunes. Then the Cabalist began to speak strange words and conjured the devil to
appear and satisfy their desires and demands. Then the man began to hear
strange sounds and voices coming from the region of the crosses in the corner
of the garden, which he afterwards reasoned was performed by the conjurer’s
children who had hidden themselves without his knowledge, but at that time he
was feeling his hairs standing on end. The night was cloudy and suddenly
lightning flashed and thunder roared and he lost his senses. Then the ground
under his feet started to shake and his body trembled violently and he thought
it was the last minute of his life and the devil would come and take him, the
goat and the cabalist and break all their necks at once.

It was impossible
for him to stay there any longer and he ran out of the garden and into his
house and shut the door behind him. A short while later the Cabbalist came in
too and the man asked him if he had been successful. The Cabalist answered no,
but that he had seen the demon and it had a beautiful look, shining like
glittering gold and diamonds, and the spirit told him that he had done
everything correctly except that the blood was not of an honest protestant but
of a rogue and a villain. At this the man lost his temper and he beat the
magician and drove him out of his house. Therefore, the man was defrauded and
he dared not prosecute the Cabalist because then everything would become known,
so he had to remain silent and hide everything and not quarrel with that damned
rogue. The man was utterly ruined and had to cheat his creditors.

following description about Falk comes from the Chewishhomela website and one
cannot help but notice the description of men in white robes, could these be of
the same cult which Raymond Bernard would encounter 200 years later?

“On one occasion
he withdrew into his home for six weeks, and allowed it to be known that he was
not eating or sleeping for the entire period. After six weeks had passed, he
sent for a group of ten men to join him – but only after they had immersed
themselves in a mikvah. The men arrived at midnight and were asked to clothe
themselves in white robes, and also to remove their shoes. With that they were
invited into a large room lit only by flickering candlelight.

One of the
ten men later wrote in a letter to his son that upon entering the room, “the
saintly man was seated on his throne arrayed like an angel of heaven, diademed
with a golden miter, a golden chain round his neck reaching to his waist, from
which hung a great star, and holy names were engraved on the star. His face was
covered with a star-shaped veil, and his headgear was marvellously fashioned
out of parchment, with holy names written on it. A star of pure gold was
fastened on each corner of his turban, and names were engraved on them. Who
could possibly describe the beauty of the painting on the tapestries that were
hung on the walls, with sacred figures, as on the heavenly throne in Ezekiel’s

The letter
describes the strange ‘throne room’ as having been divided into an inner
section and an outer section delineated by silver chains. Falk instructed five
men to sit within the chains, and the other five to sit outside of them,
following which he took out an engraved shofar and an engraved trumpet, and
presumably blew on them. The letter writer and his nine companions were
overwhelmed by this melodramatic scene, and became Falk’s avid devotees.”

description of being ‘overwhelmed’ and becoming ‘avid devotees’ suggests
something of the techniques of cult mind control and a form of hypnosis. The
whole performance was staged within the context of the Judaic rite of
purification by taking a mikvah bath and also the blowing of the Shofar horn
which is traditionally only blown at the start of the Chewish new-year, at the
end of the holiest day of the Chewish year Yom Kippur. The ritual significance
of the Shofar cannot be understated and goes back the Exodus of the Chews and
was heard coming from the thick clouds on Mount Sinai and kept the Israelites
rapt in awe.

It seems the
whole performance was designed precisely to create the transformative effect
and so instil the idea that Falk was more than just a man and the religious
trappings were clearly intended to convey the idea that Falk was something like
part of the line of Patriarchs and perhaps the latest incarnation of a leading
figurehead for Chews in the world.

However the
opinion that Falk was just a charlatan and a conman was one that was even held
by certain Chewish Rabbis themselves. In a letter to a colleague, leading German
Rabbi, Rabbi Yakov Emden who extolled Orthodox Judaism and was critical of the
growing Sabbatean movement wrote of Falk:

“Some rich
non-Chews also believed in him, thinking that he could discover treasure for
them. Using trickery he succeeded in entrapping one wealthy non-Chewish captain,
who spent his entire fortune on him and has now been reduced to poverty, and he
is only able to survive as a result of Falk’s charity. Incredibly this captain
continues to praise him among wealthy Christians, so that they give him a lot
of money. In this way the Baal Shem is enabled to live as a man of wealth, and
he uses his money to bribe his close followers so that they continue to spread
his fame.”

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I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.
Kundalini refugee doing a bit of landscaping.