
Insider info and illuminati analysis...

...from the man they just can't recruit.

Monday, 29 January 2018

CS Lewis, Illuminati Schizophrenia, and the Macroscopic Control of Planet Earth.

I have done a moderate amount of research in previous books and articles which suggests that the Illuminati and ancient secret cults have specifically found methods to prompt changes in the mental condition of those within their group and also those they wish to recruit. Specifically it is my belief that schizophrenia represents the apotheosis of the secret society mystery school experience and at this point the mystae becomes directly connected to the true source of the secret organization and can receive instructions directly from whatever unseen forces and presences actually direct the group’s activity. These are the ‘hidden masters’ which Helena Blavatsky alludes to. My work in this field isn’t new and there’s one book in particular: That Hideous Strength by CS Lewis, which details, from what I presume must be a position of personal occult knowledge, the process of drawing the initiate into contact with the shadowy discarnate beings which seemed to be directly involved in the events of the story.

“He understood the whole business now. Frost was not trying to make him insane; at least not in the sense Mark had hitherto given to the word "insanity." Frost had meant what he said. To sit in the room was the first step towards what Frost called objectivity--the process whereby all specifically human reactions were killed in a man so that he might become fit for the fastidious society of the Macrobes. Higher degrees in the asceticism of anti-nature would doubtless follow: the eating of abominable food, the dabbling in dirt and blood, the ritual performances of calculated obscenities. They were, in a sense, playing quite fair with him--offering him the very same initiation through which they themselves had passed and which had divided them from humanity, distending and dissipating Wither into a shapeless ruin while it condensed and sharpened Frost into the hard, bright, little needle that he now was.”

The activities described by CS Lewis in his protagonist’s initiation into the inner circle of the N.I.C.E organization seem to evoke that kind of activities which Aleister Crowley became known for, such as coprophilia and bestiality. Lewis’, through his character, correctly surmises that these activities are designed to remove the man from himself, from any value judgements of right or wrong, or even to have any personal considerations of what is good for themselves. This is very clearly a form of mental illness and one might presume that the final stage is total abdication of ones own will and personal wishes to be dominated by another consciousness, whether that consciousness is human or non-human. If the consciousness is human, then we can say that this person is mind controlled, if the consciousness is non-human and non-corporeal, then we can say that this person has become schizophrenic. Both such are extremely well represented within the Illuminati and its worldwide network of groups of all types, whose goal and methods are the same, this is what we can know broadly as ‘The Illuminati’. The Illuminati is not one group, it is a method and a goal, and any group which shares these, we can term part of the Illuminati.

The members of CS Lewis fictionalized version of the Illuminati are a mixed bunch who seem to operate at differing levels of mental illness and different levels of awareness of the group, its aims and its true masters. There is a lesbian sadist, known as the Fairy, who is responsible for the media outreach of the group and also policing and internal security. There is the high-flying sociopath Lord Feverstone whose work with the NICE is solely motivated by personal gain and literally doesn’t care that demonic creatures are trying to take over planet Earth as long as he gets paid. The human leader of the N.I.C.E is John Wither, he is in full astral and mental contact with the disembodied trans-dimensional Macrobes and consequently he isn’t really quite there at all as a normal functioning human being. The character rarely sleeps and seems to exist in a perpetual dream like state between two worlds. As a result of this the character is capable of projecting his presence anywhere he wishes like a ghostly image. Upon seeing the physical reappearance of Wither on the road outside the institute just as he was resolved to physically escape from the institute, Studdock is seized with such terror upon seeing Wither whom he was certain he had just left behind him at the institute some moments ago that his resolve to escape evaporates and powerlessness seizes him utterly.

The ongoing weakening of Mark Studdock’s personal will and personality is the key theme in the process of his developing inculcation into the inner workings of the group, ending with a final initiation where he is asked, in the fashion of the Templars who possibly were also under control of the Macrobes, to spit upon a cross. In a similar vein to reports of the Knights Templar, the characters of the inner circle of the NICE all worshipped a disembodied head. However they weren’t all quite worshipping the same thing since were levels of awareness as to the ultimate signification of the talking head. The rationalist scientist Dr Filostrato, dedicated at all cost to human scientific development, believes that the head is being artificially sustained with science and that the head contains the resident consciousness of a murdered scientist from the French revolution. The truth known only to three people however is that the head is really a housing for the consciousness of the non-human Macrobes, and this illustration and indeed the whole organization of the N.I.C.E represents the strange crossing point of science with the Satanic occult, which we can have a suspicion about by examining the scientific work of the Nazis, or of the development of post war rocketry technology in United States which seemed to be a strange symbiosis of Nazi war criminals and Aleister Crowley’s OTO. The assumption might be that engaging in occult rituals to contact demonic beings may be a way for scientists to gain inspiration or even direct knowledge from this other realm. Lewis seems to have written That Hideous Strength to be more prescient even than George Orwell’s 1984 in his description of an ostensibly secular atheistic government institution which secretly is in league with demonic beings which are deeply antithetical to human life on Earth.

If we can allow ourselves to entertain the possibility that there might be a spiritual dimension with both ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’ then there might be ways on Earth which have been developed to contact these beings. If you cannot for one second entertain that idea, then you will no doubt find a way to deny the plausibility of what I am about to describe, since you have decided that the laws of the universe are a certain way, then no evidence or even the actual manifestation of events to the contrary, will convince you otherwise. Such is your prerogative, but eventually your road will lead you to a high barren plateau and a sudden dead-end in the middle of nowhere and your only hope will be to retrace the steps of a life and find the point of origin where you first took the diversion into error. This may happen in this world if you are lucky, if however it happens in the next world then you might just be out of luck and I would imagine it unlikely to preserve your personality and sense of self in a cosmos which you have single handedly chosen to deprive of all meaning.

For Socrates, the meaning of philosophy as reported by Plato was ‘preparation for dying’ and one might say that the only danger of living life here in this world is that, for whatever reason, you failed to adequately prepare yourself for the next one.

“I will….. show that he who has lived as a true philosopher has reason to be of good cheer when he is about to die, and that after death he may hope to receive the greatest good in the other world.”

So if a belief in the existence of the next world and some presently unmeasurable mechanism which allows for the continued existence of human consciousness, which after all seems to be some kind of non material electromagnetic field, can be said to exist, and said by no less esteemed a philosopher than Socrates, then this avenue at least might bear some preliminary investigation and some enlightened conjecture, if only to give thanks to Socrates for epistemology and the Socratic method of reasoning. And if in the event our light illuminates nothing but a wardrobe full of delusions and wishful thinking then so be it but at least we will know what’s what.

One of the primary pieces of equipment we can use for measuring the unmeasurable is our own intelligence, providing it is unencumbered by things like emotively inspired prejudice or over-reliance on the thoughts of others. In the first instance someone might immediately reject any notion of spirituality and indeed, become quite angry at the mere suggestion, because they have had a personally traumatic experience with a Catholic priest. It is natural for the psyche to react to trauma with anger as a sure defence and hope that it won’t happen again but this emotive response bypasses the intellect and reasons somehow that because Catholic priests and the Catholic church, has a strong tendency toward evil, that therefore all such spiritual matters must also be of the same evil tendency. It is a logical fallacy in the same way that someone who was once served a bad cup of tea might heretofore reject not only tea but all hot drinks for ever more. It is lazy emotive thinking, and the heart is not known as an organ where rational decisions can be best made, it is therefore best for such people to try to see beyond their own pain and accept that evil doesn’t discriminate in this world and will try to work any angle it can, to wreak havoc.

The church isn’t wholly evil, but evil has certainly entered the church and allowed itself to lie undisturbed for a very long time by people who should have known better. But as we have seen, the Roman church itself was formed in ignorance of the person and ministry of Christ, and perhaps it really is the mother of harlots as depicted in the Book of Revelations.

The second form of cognitive error which will likely lead to the inability to perceive and think clearly is that of trusting your betters and letting them do your thinking for you. We all have to work after all and when we come home we have to cook, clean the car, deal with our families. Who has time to think anymore? Besides, there are people on TV and who write books who are specially employed to think for us, indeed they make their living from thinking so we don’t have to. A TV scientist like Richard Dawkins is just another convenient lifestyle solution like a dish washer, he does all the work so you don’t have to. 

The tragedy is that the general public trust such people far too much and in their naivety they imagine that the country’s media and elite educational institutions have nothing up their sleeves and no hidden agenda, or that these individuals themselves have no hidden agenda. So perhaps people ought to stop to recalibrate their own minds a moment and consider that Richard Dawkins doesn’t see any harm with paedophilia. So perhaps, these TV thinkers are not all they seem to be? Perhaps we shouldn’t let such people do our thinking for us because perhaps such people are not actually on the same side of the chessboard as we are. Perhaps they are members of the N.I.C.E or whatever literal equivalent actually exists within the UK’s scientific elite, exhorting us that no spiritual realm or God, as a fundamental arbiter of right and wrong, even exists, therefore giving them a rather valuable monopoly on right and wrong and the ability to work on whatever unpleasant secret scientific abominations they care to, without hindrance or concern for morality, ethics, pain and suffering or even consequences. Science lives in a consequence free world because it has shut out God and ethics from its considerations it has also, by the same gesture of a suicidal woman locking herself in the bathroom with a bottle of paracetamols, made a concerted decision not to heed the pleadings from outside the door not to do anything rash or stupid.

So these are largely the reasons for the spread of atheism, or knowing the unknowable. If the price were your soul is it worth staking the bet on atheism? Well, also humans are very much herd animals, at least the lesser developed of us are. One fellow online, has this fanciful theory that the Illuminati are identifiable by a specific blood group. Unfortunately he doesn’t provide any evidence or make much of a case to support a potentially interesting avenue of research. Predictably the researcher himself doesn’t have the rhesus positive factor in his blood, which no doubt makes him special, or saved, or no doubt better than those with the rhesus positive factor, in every way and also that he isn’t related to monkeys. It’s all rather silly. Some people even believe rhesus negative people are being especially tracked by the secret intelligence services and there are many such websites out there to feed these silly delusions and inevitably the more you read you soon find yourself drawn into nonsense about reptilians and DNA splicing aliens. One such article written by Kate Kaiser ticks all these boxes and cites the well known fraud James Casbolt (who was actually jailed for nine years in 2016 for stalking and attempting to blackmail his ex wife, MGTOW would have saved him a lot of trouble) as a reliable source.

James Casbolt, possibly under pressure from Mr Big or the screws, or perhaps under the inducement of a couple of snout and a reduction in his sentence, has started sending out letters to ‘researchers’ such as Miles Johnstone, whose dangerous bullshit we encountered in the Evelyn Waugh, electronic harassment chapter. In one letter read out by Miles Johnstone, Casbolt revisits the old theosophy fraud of Maitreya which was originally a strange New-Age cult with very few adherents, by the strange New-Age and almost certainly Freemasonic, Benjamin Crème. Crème was an obvious fraud to anyone with half a wit, yet this much wit appears to be lacking amongst many in the conspiracy movement, but there is a suspicion amongst these people that they opened their minds just a little too widely and allowed all their common sense, intelligence and discernment to fly out. 

There also seems to be the spectre of death over these people too, considering the mysterious death of Max and it all seems to recollect at least to my mind, the ill fated delusions of the group which grew around Uri Geller, as detailed by Clive Prince and Lyn Picknet in their classic expose of the New Age and aliens movement and its ties to the security services The Stargate Conspiracy. I do not know whether Max Spiers was murdered to silence him or that he discovered anything exceptional which might threaten national security. It is claimed that he was reasearching a paedophile ring in the US military but no further information is released and if he did have anything of substance, then with ‘friends’ like former media man Miles Johnstone who chides people who comment on his Youtube videos if they refer to BBC paedophilies, then it is unlikely we will discover anything since Johnstone is clearly an establishment gate-keeper. Max Spiers was believed to have had some problems with a heroin addiction which Miles Johnstone believes was caused by aliens. It’s only regrettable that anyone actually takes any notice of Johnstone and perhaps it is part of Spiers misfortune that he had anything to do with Johnstone.

Since he died while under the care of his apparent girlfriend in Poland then we can safely assume that  he wouldn’t have died had he not been with those people. We could take it one step further and say that if he was murdered, then he was probably murdered by those closest to him and with the most access. Moreover he may not have been murdered for any specific secrets he may have uncovered but simply murdered for a ritual sacrifice and the fact that he was there. I believe the Polish police are specifically investigating his girlfriend in connection with his death but whether we hear anything or the matter is quietly dropped remains to be seen.

What is more disturbing is the fact that his mother received a text message some days before his death saying that he was in trouble and if anything should happen to him she ought to investigate. Quite why he didn’t immediately get on the first plane out of Poland and return to the UK at this point we cannot know, but it was also said that he suffered from anxiety disorder and may have experienced a sort of paralysis and inability to act. But again, he was apparently ‘with friends’ in Poland, so why was he not safe with them? I believe he was sacrificed by the group he was with who are likely witches and members of the occult. The sacrifice of Max Spiers would be useful to them to create both a sense of fear amongst conspiracy researchers and flaneurs, since everybody now knows about Max’s death and it was extensively covered in the tabloid press. Additionally it can create a false aura of credibility to alien/UFO research and perhaps make people believe that it isn’t merely a scam of the intelligence services and military, particularly with fraudulent old spooks like Miles Johnstone maintaining the desired narrative story and plotline.

There is a very real sense that there is no actual story here except a series of opportunities which people like Miles Johnstone embroider to serve their purpose. As I mentioned before, even Spiers’ problem with drugs was marketed as part of the alien plot but the tragedy is there are people out there who really believe this stuff and Johnstone’s mock sincerity and emotive posturing are dragging more and more people into the dangerous web of delusion and drawing them closer to the type of dangerous new-age witchcraft cultists, who organize these UFO groups and may even have been responsible in one way or another for Spiers’ death.  

Be careful out there people.


  1. Excellent read,
    having read That hideous strength after your suggestion,iv'e finally gotten round to reading the first two books in the trilogy with enough time passed to revisit again..I took the worship of the severed head in some way to reference the antichrist ,nice to read new angles

    1. Thankyou. This is a chapter from an upcoming ebook which I hope to release here in the next couple of weeks or so......

    2. Good stuff,look forward to more

  2. BTW have you read/heard CS Lewis' Screwtape Letters..... It's really something....

  3. Hey mr spoon,

    I randomly came across your musings and find you on the money. I myself have been engaged in a systemic search for truth and have come across a wee genetic mutation that i assert is the key to understsnding and fully understsnding the bible...look in to the wee genetic mutation known as porphyria (greek)/porfina(in hebrew). The first person with the mutation can be traced to mesopotamia 6000 years ago...based on my research it is the reason for the clothing and dietary restrictions in islam and judaism....whilst the scientific literature claims it is rare, i believe it to be endemic and the specific marker distinguishing man from also seems to be the specific gene they were trying to identify and eradicate during the holocaust and the whole of modern m3dicine seems to be designed to stimulate mental and or chronic illness in people with the mutation. i'd love to talk to you about my research and experiences and perhaps collaborate with you in some way.

  4. I definitely agree with alot of things within this "if you know then you know-it-all become a secret society that has been livin amongst us since Ronald Regan was in office and he has signed a contract stating that they are amongst us living with us but they are learning the way we move and the things we can do so they test our ability to fight them off its just like what rush said its my way or the highway and someome needs to put a stop to all this the drive by media is the same way or matter in fact apart of it to and that's how they always dissappear and it's become this huge "myth" because it's so many groups together they don't even know what there part of its become gang like


I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.

I'm on FIRE with dat TROOF.
Kundalini refugee doing a bit of landscaping.